Midnight in America
1 Sep. 2020
Terrifyingly, Trump could win another term; even if he doesn't its still going to be a bumpy ride ahead.
Opinions on Australian Politics and the World
1 Sep. 2020
Terrifyingly, Trump could win another term; even if he doesn't its still going to be a bumpy ride ahead.
21 Mar. 2020
Katharine Murphy and Greg Jericho, both writing in The Guardian, try to make sense of the current crisis and what it will mean when everything is all over.
21 Mar. 2020
The amazing people over at Kurzgesagt have very quickly put together a very informative video about the Coronavirus and Covid-19.
15 Mar. 2020
Pasi Sahlberg, writing for the ABC, discusses how the Australian school system is one of the most unequal and socially segregated among the rich countries of the world.
15 Mar. 2020
After being forced into promising protections, the government is quite happy the issue is out of the spotlight, all the while pushing forward with allowing increased discrimination on the basis of religious belief.
13 Mar. 2020
While it might look like the government is overreacting, early action is almost certainly going to save lives.
8 Mar. 2020
Katharine Murphy writing in The Guardian on changing her mind on a national anti-corruption commission.
4 Mar. 2020
The Victoria government has announced that it is setting up a State-owned company to collect tolls for the North East Link.
3 Mar. 2020
It's Super Tuesday in the US; some thoughts on the candidates for The Democratic Party and their prospects at the general election.
2 Mar. 2020
Launch of a campaign against the Coalition's Religious Discrimination Bill.
29 Feb. 2020
The Guardian reporting on an upcoming speech by Wayne Swan.